Page results
Information about sickle cell disorder in adulthood for UCLH patients.
Information about sickle cell disorder and pregnancy for UCLH patients.
Information on parvovirus for patients with haemolytic anaemias.
Information about medications, vaccinations and travel for people with sickle cell disorder.
Dr Farmer is a consultant neurologist with particular expertise in general diagnostic neurology, movement disorders, neuro-ophthalmology and spinal disorders.
File results
FOI/2023/0814 - Wound dressings containing chitosan
FOI/2021/0284 - Sleep respiratory service
FOI/2023/0099 - Number of autoclaves used at Trust
FOI/2023/0101 - Trauma protocols in pregnant patients
FOI/2023/0103 - Genetic Haemochromatosis patients
FOI/2023/0117 - EPRR Team contact information
FOI/2023/0125 - Staffing rota/ planning to support working parents
FOI/2023/0131 - Training for first aid, life support, CPR and resuscitation/ defibrillator
FOI/2023/0332 - Eating disorder services and Advance Decisions/ Directives to refuse medical treatment (ADRTs)
FOI/2023/0212 - Training provided to clinical staff for use of medical devices