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On 13 January 2020, a consultation which asks for people’s views on the future of planned orthopaedic surgery for adults in north central London was launched.
Professor Pandya is a consultant in fetal medicine at UCLH
Info about our regular, online origami club for people under the care of UCLH for cancer or a blood condition
Being diagnosed with cancer can be a difficult time for you and those close to you. This page gives you an overview of the care you can expect to receive as our patient at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH). It also introduces different types of healthcare professionals you may meet along the way.
This patient information has been written for patients who are being given post exposure prophylaxis.
Support patients in hospital this Christmas and the staff looking after them by donating to our UCLH Charity Gift of Giving Appeal.
Information about the EGA Hospital Charity at UCLH
RAID (Rapid Access Infectious Diseases) clinic is an outpatient service located at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (address and directions overleaf).
Patient information written for patients undergoing a skin snips biopsy.
Care in the last days of life: information for families, friends and carers.