Page results
This page is for patients who have been offered CT guided spinal steroid injections.
The Leishmaniasis Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) The leishmaniasis MDT aims to support clinicians around the UK in the investigation and management of patients with suspected or confirmed…
Get expert pre-travel advice and vaccinations at The Hospital for Tropical Diseases Travel Clinic. Our specialists provide comprehensive care for travellers with complex medical conditions.
The urology service at UCLH comprises of six sub-specialist teams: adolescent urology, andrology, female reconstruction, male reconstruction, stones and uro-oncology. The majority of urology…
The team consists of consultant specialists offering a service including primary, recurrent and complex urinary incontinence, prolapse, vesicovaginal and vesicourethral fistulae and urethral diverticulae management.
This patient information explains what Aural (ear) microsuction is and what your alternatives are.
Introduction Who this leaflet is for? Women who have experienced abdominal pain and/or bleeding from the vagina with: a pregnancy confirmed on a urine or blood test last menstrual period within…
Prosthodontics is the reconstruction and replacement of teeth damaged as a result of congenital disorders and traumatic injuries; and includes the rehabilitation of patients with tissue lost as a result of injury.
This page explains what you can expect during recovery from your CAR T-cell therapy.
This clinic specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with allergic conditions.
File results
FOI/2023/0446 - Senior staff contact details
FOI/2023/0438 - Outsourced and insourced procedures dermatology, endoscopy and gynaecological procedures
FOI/2023/0399 - Patient deaths while waiting to receive planned care/ patients waiting more than 18 weeks - 2022
FOI/2023/0381 - Apprenticeship Levy - total paid into apprenticeship service accounts 2020/21 - 2022/23 (Part 2)
FOI/2023/0385 - IT services staff contact details
FOI/2023/0391 - Senior staff contact details - surgical, medical and elective care
FOI/2023/0393 - Social listening list for social media posts monitored by the Trust
FOI/2023/0425 - Trusts temp agency spend for doctors, nurses and allied health professionals (AHP) - 2022/23
FOI/2023/0430 - Number of operations performed to remove rectal foreign bodies
FOI/2023/0379 - MDT meetings in relation to tailgut cysts