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We have been informed that there has been an increasing number of fractures in the battery securing parts of this pump. During the insulin pump use, if the device is dropped or excessive force is applied, some of the device's battery securing parts may break.
Until this point, if a largely over estimated total daily dose was entered by the user incorrectly, there is a risk of over delivery of insulin during Auto mode. This risk is the highest on the first day and reduces gradually over subsequent days.
UCLH is reminding staff that gloves are not always required, by reducing the instances where non-sterile plastic gloves are used when treating non-infectious patients. The focus is now on how clean hands are just as effective a barrier against infection.
The department offers a wide range of investigations and treatment for benign and cancerous surgical diseases, with specialisation in lower and upper GI surgery (including for weight loss).
Our vascular service has a major emphasis on endovascular (minimally invasive) treatments for vascular diseases, and this approach has largely replaced conventional open vascular surgery at UCLH.
Information about the autogenic training service at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
This is a speech and language therapy service for deaf or hard of hearing adults who are having communication difficulties because of a hearing loss. The primary focus of the service is to help with spoken English skills.
This service caters for babies, children and adolescents (attending the AVM and ENT departments at the Royal National ENT & Eastman Dental Hospitals) with congenital or acquired deafness or auditory processing disorders. The service provides assessment and advice only.
Information about psychological therapy services at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
RLHIM – The SELF-CARE SPACE The Self-Care Space is an exciting adjunct to our NHS clinical services helping with problems we see commonly such as chronic pain, tiredness, sleep problems, low and anxious mood, and menopausal symptoms. We will be offering the chance to explore a number of therapies and activities, including Mindfulness Reflexology Reiki Indian Head Massage Guided exercise techniques such as: Tai Chi Yoga We run regular group workshops for patients to come together in a positive and supportive way to develop and share skills. We see this co-created approach as an essential part of living well with long term conditions