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UCLH have a (nurse led) Advice and Guidance service (A&G) on e-RS to provide support to GPs.
The Royal National ENT and Eastman Dental Hospitals is one of the UK's largest centres for ENT surgery, it offers a wide range of services from a multidisciplinary team. The ENT out-patient department provides both routine and specialist clinics including some nurse-led clinics. Referral to this service is via your GP.
Information about energy conservation for UCLH patients with mitochondrial disease.
Art and creativity can be a real tonic for health, says UCLH arts curator Guy Noble.
Contact the Arts & Heritage team.
You now need a registered site administrator to access EpicCare Link UCLH for your practice or service. If your site doesn’t have a registered administrator, you may lose access to EpicCare Link UCLH.
Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) services for children and young people at UCLH
This page is for women who use the UCLH maternity Hypertension service during pregnancy and the postnatal period.
This page explains what autologous stem cell transplant is and includes information about: our stem cell transplant service and process the care you will receive what you can expect during…