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This page has been written for patients who have been recommended hormone therapy for prostate cancer. It explains what the treatment involves, describes side-effects you may experience, and how best to cope with them.
This page provides information about an interventional procedure called an Epidural Fibrin Patch. It is intended for use by patients (or their family or carers), who have been referred to the NHNN.
The Central Venous Access Team provides a nurse-led service to teenagers and adults who have been referred to UCLH for cancer treatment.
This information is for children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, and their families, on how to manage high glucose levels when using hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems.
This information is for children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, and their families, on how to manage high glucose levels when using an insulin pump.
To be held in person at UCLH. The Tree of Life project is run by the Diabetes team at UCLH and offers young people the opportunity to meet with others living with Type I Diabetes.
Exhibition co-curated by Healthcare Arts Collective and UCLH Arts and Heritage 25th August - 20th October 2021, UCH Street Gallery, 235 Euston Road
A joint exhibition to celebrate two photography projects capturing patient experience.
Enhanced supportive care is specialist care that aims to manage and minimise pain and other symptoms caused by cancer or cancer treatment.
Information about coil embolisations and how endovascular treatment is used to treat cerebral aneurysms.