Page results
Until this point, if a largely over estimated total daily dose was entered by the user incorrectly, there is a risk of over delivery of insulin during Auto mode. This risk is the highest on the first day and reduces gradually over subsequent days.
UCLH is reminding staff that gloves are not always required, by reducing the instances where non-sterile plastic gloves are used when treating non-infectious patients. The focus is now on how clean hands are just as effective a barrier against infection.
Dr Richard Sylvester is a consultant neurologist with an interest in traumatic brain injuries.
The purpose of this page is to explain what an ectopic pregnancy is, what it means for your health, the different treatment options, risks involved in treatment, and potential risks in future pregnancies.
Care in the last days of life: information for families, friends and carers.
This page provides general information about the procedure called lumbar decompression.
UCLH patient information for using Control IQ technology
Information for patients about the RLHIM's Psychological Therapy Services
This information provides information for women who have chosen to have surgical management using local anaesthetic following their diagnosis of a miscarriage.
This page provides general information about the procedure called anterior cervical discectomy.
File results
FOI/2024/0607 - Starvation ketoacidosis patients/ treatment
FOI/2024/0609 - Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) cases
FOI/2024/0615 - Electronic Patient Record (EPR) software spend/ Trust Integration Engine (TIE)
FOI/2024/0612 - Orthotic and prosthetic services at the Trust
FOI/2024/0616 - Never events involving Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) from 2021/22-2023/24
FOI/2024/0617 - Vascular access devices purchased - Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC)/ Midline Catheters
FOI/2024/0622 - Guidelines and policies for the treatment of Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
FOI/2024/0623 - Patient numbers sent to use MRI scanner at London Zoo from 2014-2024
FOI/2024/0626 - Number of patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia and treatments
FOI/2024/0627 - E-signature vendor supplier and cost