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Researchers at UCLH have begun a study which could set the foundations for how booster COVID-19 vaccinations are delivered in the future.
Information about preparing for and undergoing surgery at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Our staff have rated UCLH as the top trust in England, improving on our ranking from last year when we were third best in England and top in London.
UCLH is the first NHS trust to pilot a personalised educational package for patients living with stroke.
UCLH and UCL are at the forefront of Women’s Health care and research – across areas including reproductive health, maternity, breast care, care for newborns, gynaecological care, and cancer.
UCLH is celebrating the delivery of its 1,000th respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccine to pregnant women, following the rollout of the new national programme in September.
UCLH has declared a climate and health emergency, and has published a 10-point climate action plan to reach net zero carbon dioxide emissions by 2031.
Information about our UCLH Charity, charity funds and associated charities.
Nine Covid-19 research studies are already taking place at UCLH and the Trust is processing more than 30 study proposals as research efforts around the virus and pandemic are ramped up.
RNOH are pleased to launch a series of regular Health and Wellbeing Information and Support Sessions to support patients following a cancer diagnosis and also during/after treatment. Theseā¦
File results
FOI/2024/0609 - Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) cases
FOI/2024/0615 - Electronic Patient Record (EPR) software spend/ Trust Integration Engine (TIE)
FOI/2024/0612 - Orthotic and prosthetic services at the Trust
FOI/2024/0616 - Never events involving Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) from 2021/22-2023/24
FOI/2024/0617 - Vascular access devices purchased - Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC)/ Midline Catheters
FOI/2024/0622 - Guidelines and policies for the treatment of Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome
FOI/2024/0623 - Patient numbers sent to use MRI scanner at London Zoo from 2014-2024
FOI/2024/0626 - Number of patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia and treatments
FOI/2024/0627 - E-signature vendor supplier and cost
FOI/2024/0634 - Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and Private Finance 2 (PF2) projects repayments and debt