Page results
Patient information written for patients undergoing a skin snips biopsy.
This information explains what alpha thalassaemia is, and provides information about the different types of alpha thalassaemia.
Oral medicine is the non-surgical management of patients with diseases of the oral mucosal tissues (lining of the mouth).
Patient information for patients undergoing the removal of bot/tumbu flies and jigger fleas.
Dr Nagendran is a consultant neurophysiologist eripheral nerve and muscle disease, skeletal muscle channelopathies, nerve excitability disorders
Our pain clinics are patient-centred and evidence-based, encouraging patients to self-manage their persistent facial pain.
Our non-emergency patient transport service is provided by G4S. G4S may use approved external sub-contractors to meet the demand of the service and/or the specific needs of our patients.
The tissue viability team is committed to providing support, training and education to clinical staff, patients and carers about maintaining, promoting skin integrity and preventing pressure sores.
This information is for children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, and their families, on how to manage high glucose levels when using hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems.
UCLH patient information for using Control IQ technology
File results
FOI/2024/0428 - Physiotherapy/ occupational recruitment for 2023
FOI/2024/0431 - Hospital patient monitoring system on wards
FOI/2024/0438 - IT electronic signature software service/ e-Signatures
FOI/2024/0439 - Digital dictation provider
FOI/2024/0440 - Patient reported outcome measures (PROMs) in oncology
FOI/2024/0450 - Trust-wide obesity and weight management strategy
FOI/2024/0455 - Information Governance structure
FOI/2024/0534 - NHS staff absence rates
FOI/2024/0537 - SHO doctor shifts covered by physician associates December 2023-May 2024
FOI/2024/0541 - Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) 2022-2024