Page results
What does the staff experience team do? The Staff Experience team brings many amazing initiatives to our hardworking teams across UCLH. We’ve delivered the Be Well programme to support health…
Restoritive dentistry services include periodontology, endodontics and orthodontics
Introduction Fatigue is a common and invisible symptom that is not always obvious to others such as partners, family members, friends or colleagues. As a result others may not understand the…
“No one is invulnerable” – stark messages from patients and staff about the realities of coronavirus
The enormous pressure our staff are under was the focus of a powerful BBC News report about the surge in Covid-19 cases broadcast on Wednesday 6 January.
File results
FOI/2024/0376 - Advice provided on topical medication for eczema patients
FOI/2024/0380 - Appraisal review/ Responsible Officer/ Revalidation Officer
FOI/2024/0381 - Proton Beam Therapy Centre material use, architectural technology and performance
FOI/2024/0385 - Immunoglobulin vials (by brands) distributed to patients
FOI/2024/0393 - Translation service/ communication spend
FOI/2024/0394 - Private maternity services 2012, 2016, 2018, 2022 and 2023
FOI/2024/0395 - Treatment and services for duchenne muscular dystrophy
FOI/2024/0400 - Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) screening and fetal outcomes
FOI/2024/0401 - Hospital treatments for abortion complications
FOI/2024/0402 - Various IT systems used at the Trust