Page results
Concerned about the impact of climate change on people with neurological conditions, Professor Sanjay Sisodiya has established established a consortium of neurological specialists and will be undertaking research.
This page provides information about anaesthesia for children having proton beam therapy.
The fertility laboratory provides three main services. Semen analysis to test fertility, storage of semen samples and processing of semen samples for IUI treatments.
An evaluation of temporary changes to children and young people’s services in North Central London (NCL) in the autumn and winter of 2020/21 has been published.
HTD Outpatients offers a wide range of clinics for Chagas disease, Infectious diseases, Leishmaniasis, Leprosy , Malaria , Microbiology, Neglected tropical diseases, Parasitology
This page explains what FACETS is and how it can help you.
To mark International Brain Tumour Awareness Week, UCLH and The National Brain Appeal are announcing a new clinical trial for patients with recurrent glioblastoma brain cancer.
Perinatal Mental Health Service in Partnership with North London Partners Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service
Antenatal care and screening is an essential part of maternity care for all women. We provide state-of-the-art ultrasound screening, specialist obstetric and midwifery clinics.
The service includes diagnosis, quantifying the degree of hearing loss, and rehabilitation of hearing impairment to limit participation restriction.
File results
FOI/2024/0179 - Water usage/ procurement
FOI/2024/0183 - Immunology Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatment
FOI/2024/0184 - IT spend/ Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) EMRAM and INFRAM scores
FOI/2024/0190 - Scheduled appointments Did Not Attend (DNA) 2019-2023
FOI/2024/0192 - Net zero and decarbonisation targets
FOI/2024/0462 - Patient information leaflets and e-consent systems
FOI/2024/0198 - Nurse intake at Band 5
FOI/2024/0199 - Admission and discharge policies for violent assault injuries/ autism/ patient records/ inaccurate records
FOI/2024/0204 - Clinical insourcing for audiology and pathology
FOI/2024/0206 - Trusts budget allocated for cancer funding 2019/20-2023/24