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There are many ways that UCLH can communicate with you about your care. You can set your preferences regarding what you would like to be informed about, and how you wish to receive notifications from your MyCare UCLH account.
An online exhibition by Dr Sarah Yardley and artist Daniel Regan, exploring the role of relationships and relationship-centred approaches to healthcare.
Matthew Fielden and Lillyanne Tran volunteer in the cognitive disorders outpatients’ clinic at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery.
A smartphone app that identifies severe neonatal jaundice could provide a cheaper alternative to expensive screening procedures, according to a study by UCLH, UCL and the University of Ghana.
Mixed sex accommodation and privacy information for patients coming into hospital for an inpatient stay
This information is for patients having gynaecology surgery who may also need bowel (colorectal) surgery as part of their cancer treatment.
A new study at UCLH and UCL aims to extend survival for some patients with cancer in the biliary tract by treating them with therapies specifically tailored to the genetic profile of their tumour.
This page explains what you can expect after you have been referred to the Lymphoedema Service at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) for a video or telephone appointment.
Arif Ahmed is an entrepreneur and private equity investor in healthcare, technology, e-commerce and B2B services companies. He has a proven track record of scaling innovation in complex regulatory environments.
UCLH has opened a new vaccine research centre with two clinical trials testing a long-acting antibody combination treatment to protect against Covid-19.