Page results
This page aims to help you, your family and carers to plan ahead and talk about decisions about your care and treatment that may need to be made in the future.
This phlebotomy service is appointment based only (persons who are solely requiring a blood test), including GP patients (Camden & Islington)
Diagnostic cytology is a specialist discipline that provides the examination of samples taken by non-invasive or minimally invasive procedures.
UCLH has two mortuaries, one at University College Hospital and one at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN)
This is information for women about medical management after an ultrasound diagnosis of a miscarriage.
Patient information for patients undergoing Image Rehearsal Therapy (IRT).
This page is for patients who are receiving radiotherapy to the bladder. It explains what the treatment involves, describes side-effects you may experience during and after treatment, and how best to cope with them.
This page aims to help you, your family or carers to plan ahead, and talk about decisions about your care or treatment that may need to be made in the future.
In partnership with Camden MSK, our department has agreed to provide ultrasound-guided joint and soft tissue injections to patients referred by the Camden community MSK services.
This clinic is for asymptomatic travellers (individuals with no current symptoms) who have travelled to a tropical destination and are worried about certain infections.
File results
FOI/2024/0171 - Dermatology consultants
FOI/2024/0172 - Patients excluded from care at the Trust 2010-2023
FOI/2024/0179 - Water usage/ procurement
FOI/2024/0183 - Immunology Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatment
FOI/2024/0184 - IT spend/ Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) EMRAM and INFRAM scores
FOI/2024/0190 - Scheduled appointments Did Not Attend (DNA) 2019-2023
FOI/2024/0192 - Net zero and decarbonisation targets
FOI/2024/0462 - Patient information leaflets and e-consent systems
FOI/2024/0198 - Nurse intake at Band 5
FOI/2024/0199 - Admission and discharge policies for violent assault injuries/ autism/ patient records/ inaccurate records