Page results
The UCLH children’s FGC/M clinic provides specialist care for children and adolescents who have undergone or are at risk of FGC/M.
This page has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the whole brain.
This page has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the testes.
This page has been written for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the abdomen and pelvis.
This page is for parents and carers whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to the chest, or mediastinum.
Macmillan Support and Information Service offer emotional support, advice and information to people affected by cancer and blood conditions.
This page is for parents, carers and relatives whose child is having radiotherapy treatment to a part of the brain. This page breaks down the side effects your child may experience during and after treatment, and how best to cope with them.
A team of clinician scientists at UCLH have identified the factors which predict full hearing recovery, with the strongest predictor being treatment with steroids within seven days of a sudden drop in hearing.
UCLH is one of the largest blood cancers treatment centres in Europe, with both inpatient beds and a comprehensive day care service. The service is the main treatment centre for patients from north and east London, and west Essex.
This page has been written for parents, carers and family members who are acting as carers and comforters for children and young people having radioactive mIBG and topotecan (MATIN) treatment.
File results
FOI/2024/0046 - Translation and interpreting from 2019/20 to 2022/23
FOI/2024/0050 - Various patient transport services procured
FOI/2024/0053 - Pharmacy, prescribing and medicines strategy
FOI/2024/0056 - MRI examinations performed in 2023
FOI/2024/0059 - Late effects of cancer service
FOI/2024/0060 - Procurement contract register and procurement strategy
FOI/2024/0061 - 24 hour waits at A&E from 2019 to 2023
FOI/2024/0063 - Clinicians and nurses trained in treating patients with sodium nitrite poisoning
FOI/2024/0064 - Communications and public relations spend for 2020/21-2022/23
FOI/2024/0066 - Amputations due to medical errors 2020-2023