Page results
Acupuncture is the insertion of solid needles into the body to improve health. The needles are very fine, much thinner than needles used to give injections or take blood samples. We use sterile needles. They are disposable and never reused.
As with any form of pain management, different resources or techniques will suit different people. Please remember that you may need to try out more than one book, CD or website before you find…
Exam guidance for children and young people with type 1 diabetes
Who we are - a community, not just a charity The Friends of UCLH have been supporting UCLH for many years, before that supporting the individual hospitals that came together to form UCLH.…
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? CBT is evidence-based therapy. It involves working with a practitioner collaboratively, to understand the problems that are keeping you stuck, and to…
About the RLHIM Pharmacy The RLHIM pharmacy is run by pharmacists who specialise in natural medicines, and it is both a hospital and a retail pharmacy. The RLHIM hospital pharmacy The…
There is a lot of information on the internet; some of the stuff you find might not always be reliable so try to use websites you can trust. Here are some websites that have been recommended by…
File results
FOI/2024/0060 - Procurement contract register and procurement strategy
FOI/2024/0061 - 24 hour waits at A&E from 2019 to 2023
FOI/2024/0063 - Clinicians and nurses trained in treating patients with sodium nitrite poisoning
FOI/2024/0064 - Communications and public relations spend for 2020/21-2022/23
FOI/2024/0066 - Amputations due to medical errors 2020-2023
FOI/2024/0070 - Treatments for metastatic/ adjuvant melanoma, colorectal and lung cancers
FOI/2024/0075 - Blood products used at Trust
FOI/2024/0076 - Patient Portal contract and supplier
FOI/2024/0078 - Locally employed doctors at Trust
FOI/2024/0079 - Water procurement