Page results
This patient information has been written for patients who are being given post exposure prophylaxis.
RAID (Rapid Access Infectious Diseases) clinic is an outpatient service located at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (address and directions overleaf).
Patient information written for patients undergoing a skin snips biopsy.
Patient information for patients undergoing the removal of bot/tumbu flies and jigger fleas.
The specialist allergy and clinical immunology service deals with the diagnosis and management of allergies and related immune system disorders in adults.
The snoring and sleep disorders clinic offers, out-patient consultation including flexible endoscopy to assess upper airway collapse. Multidisciplinary team involvement for planning treatment.
UCLH provides an audiological service for GPs who would like to refer patients for age related audiological assessments.
The cochlear implant programme was founded in 1982, and we were the first clinical cochlear implant programme in the UK. The team has been involved with the successful implantation of more than 2,000 patients, both adults and children, from all over the UK.
This page provides information for employers, teachers, special needs education coordinators (SENCo) and other professionals who work alongside someone with Galactosaemia.
A clinic for neurology patients with long COVID
File results
FOI/2024/0075 - Blood products used at Trust
FOI/2024/0076 - Patient Portal contract and supplier
FOI/2024/0078 - Locally employed doctors at Trust
FOI/2024/0079 - Water procurement
FOI/2024/0080 - Patient treatment for botched non-surgical procedures
FOI/2024/0094 - Record Freedom of Information data 2023
FOI/2024/0095 - Hospital at home - Discharge and discharge to assess pathways
FOI/2024/0096 - Waiting lists for gynaecology treatment 2021-2024
FOI/2024/0097 - Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS)/ pathology IT system
FOI/2024/0101 - Immunoglobulin drug treatments