Page results
Support groups for anyone affected by cancer or a blood condition, including family, friends and carers.
Advice about available financial support and how to apply for it.
Exam guidance for children and young people with type 1 diabetes
There is a lot of information on the internet; some of the stuff you find might not always be reliable so try to use websites you can trust. Here are some websites that have been recommended by…
A directory of resources giving advice and support to help people to manage the impact of cancer and blood conditions.
What happens after seeing the doctor? Your doctor will decide whether you need any follow up, by telephone or face to face, or whether your results can be communicated to you in a…
As with any form of pain management, different resources or techniques will suit different people. Please remember that you may need to try out more than one book, CD or website before you find…
Media statement UCLH chief executive David Probert said: “Many congratulations to Carrie and Boris Johnson on the birth of their baby daughter Romy Iris Charlotte Johnson. We wish…
File results
FOI/2023/0925 - Stereotactic radiosurgery treatment/ gamma knife treatment
FOI/2023/0926 - Electronic Patient Record Supplier (EPR) contract
FOI/2023/0930 - Patient deaths while on waiting list 2018-2023
FOI/2023/0931 - Trust surgical and equipment drape usage in theatre departments
FOI/2023/0934 - Treatment for Haemophilia B and Von Willebrand disease
FOI/2023/0936 - Policy and Procedure management at Trust
FOI/2023/0938 - Trust pain management education provided to staff
FOI/2023/0941 - Paediatric audiology services 2023
FOI/2023/0943 - Cancellation of planned surgical procedures
FOI/2023/0946 - Treatment of rare diseases; Fabry/ Gaucher/ Pompe disease