Page results
Fears that people with high blood pressure are more at risk from severe Covid-19 because it is easier for the virus to enter their cells and tissues have been laid to rest, thanks to research involving UCLH.
This page explains what a low-phosphate diet is. It also provides information about foods you can eat and foods to avoid when taking a medicine called futibatinib.
Taking blood pressure medication in the evening is no better than taking it in the morning, according to new research.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
How UCLH uses clinical data in research.
Participants reacted quicker and made fewer errors during menstruation, despite believing their performance would be worse, according to new research from UCL and the Institute of Sport, Exercise & Health (ISEH).
The iconic run has returned to its regular time of the year, following two years’ disruption following the pandemic and will take place on Sunday 2 October 2022. We are lucky enough to have five people running for UCLH Charity. The money they raise will help us support patients, staff and research at UCLH.
An immunotherapy drug given before surgery instead of chemotherapy meant that significantly more patients with a certain genetic profile were cancer free after surgery, according to clinical trial results presented by researchers at UCL and UCLH.
Information on contrast agents for X-ray, fluoroscopy, CT and angiography examinations at NHNN
UCLH continues to achieve excellent results in the National Inpatient Survey. In 2021 patients rated their overall care as 8.5 out of 10 which is the top score in London and the second best in the Shelford Group.
File results
FOI/2023/0936 - Policy and Procedure management at Trust
FOI/2023/0938 - Trust pain management education provided to staff
FOI/2023/0941 - Paediatric audiology services 2023
FOI/2023/0943 - Cancellation of planned surgical procedures
FOI/2023/0946 - Treatment of rare diseases; Fabry/ Gaucher/ Pompe disease
FOI/2023/0948 - Inpatient wards and bed capacity
FOI/2023/0954 - Treatment of melanoma/ Renal cell carcinoma/ Oesophageal cancer
FOI/2023/0957 - Maternity services intervention statistics; still birth, elective C-section, emergency C-section
FOI/2023/0961 - Robotic Process Automation staff details
FOI/2024/0001 - Intrathecal therapy services/ spasticity service