Page results
Acupuncture is the insertion of solid needles into the body to improve health. The needles are very fine, much thinner than needles used to give injections or take blood samples. We use sterile needles. They are disposable and never reused.
The department of medical physics and biomedical engineering provides expert physical science support to activities both within UCLH and to a wide range of external partners.
About the RLHIM Pharmacy The RLHIM pharmacy is run by pharmacists who specialise in natural medicines, and it is both a hospital and a retail pharmacy. The RLHIM hospital pharmacy The…
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? CBT is evidence-based therapy. It involves working with a practitioner collaboratively, to understand the problems that are keeping you stuck, and to…
When the Lighthouse opened in 2018, it was the first establishment of its kind in the UK, offering a safe place for children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse.
A programme of wellbeing classes, workshops and courses. It includes activities which give advice and/or support to help people to manage the physical and emotional impact of cancer or a blood condition.
Support groups for anyone affected by cancer or a blood condition, including family, friends and carers.
Advice about available financial support and how to apply for it.
A directory of resources giving advice and support to help people to manage the impact of cancer and blood conditions.
File results
FOI/2023/0603 - Treatment of dermatological conditions
FOI/2023/0604 - Patient flow system
FOI/2023/0609 - Companies that currently have contracts at UCLH
FOI/2023/0613 - Treatment for Melanoma
FOI/2023/0615 - Wayfinding strategy
FOI/2023/0617 - Neonatal unit CCTV
FOI/2023/0623 - BMA rate card rates
FOI/2023/0635 - Redundancy consultation
FOI/2023/0637 - Trust’s policy/eligibility for treatment at Eastman Dental Hospital
FOI/2023/0647 - Radiation Protection Supervisor