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UCLH is a specialist centre for the diagnosis and treatment of gastric (stomach) cancer for the people of north and east London and west Essex.
UCLH has developed a post-Covid-19 service to help survivors of the virus with their long-term recovery.
You now need a registered site administrator to access EpicCare Link UCLH for your practice or service. If your site doesn’t have a registered administrator, you may lose access to EpicCare Link UCLH.
Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) services for children and young people at UCLH
Contact the Arts & Heritage team.
Art and creativity can be a real tonic for health, says UCLH arts curator Guy Noble.
The diagnostic haematology clinics at UCLH perform comprehensive blood testing, including blood film examination, immunophenotyping and molecular testing.
Information for UCLH patients about Subtotal and Total Gastrectomy
Autogenic Training (AT) is a technique offered by the Psychological Therapy Services Team at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, which receives referrals for chronic physical health problems.
This page provides general information about the procedure called anterior cervical discectomy.