Page results
Information and advice for patients, relatives and carers about thoracic surgery.
Find and Treat screen tens of thousands of the most vulnerable, homeless and high-risk people every year using mobile units deployed from UCLH.
The molecular genetics laboratory at UCLH is a national centre for the genetic diagnosis of haemoglobin disorders, including prenatal diagnosis.
This booklet is designed for teenagers and young people. It explains what you can expect when you finish your treatment for Hodgkin lymphoma.
You can make a secure payment using our online portal. It is a convenient way to make a payment for a range of services and is available 24/7. When making a payment you will be directed a secure website hosted by The Access Group, a leading provider of business software. Payments can be made against an invoice raised by the Trust or for a range of other services which are set out when you access the portal.
The lung function unit is an integral part of the department of Thoracic Medicine, offering a wide range of physiological tests to both inpatients and clinic outpatients within the Trust, to help not only in the diagnoses of lung disorders, but also to assess the severity of these conditions.
The department of Thoracic Medicine at UCH has particular expertise in the management of patients with bronchiectasis and respiratory infections (including fungal disease, lung abscess and opportunistic infections).
Out-patient IV antibiotic service
At UCLH we run seasonal COVID-19 vaccination clinics from our Hospital Hub within UCH. Vaccinations are available to members of the eligible public as well as UCLH patients.
Parenteral Nutrition, also know as PN, is used to feed extremely premature or unwell babies.
File results
FOI/2023/0426 - Maternity services staffing levels
FOI/2023/0429 - Breast cancer treatment/ systemic anti-cancer therapies
FOI/2023/0430 - Number of operations performed to remove rectal foreign bodies
FOI/2023/0437 - Outsourced and insourced procedures for dermatology, endoscopy and gynaecology procedures from 2017/18-2022/23
FOI/2023/0438 - Outsourced and insourced procedures dermatology, endoscopy and gynaecological procedures
FOI/2023/0443 - Food provision at Trust for staff and patients
FOI/2023/0444 - Emergency scrotal explorations (surgical procedure) for June 2022-May 2023
FOI/2023/0445 - Number of people (patients, staff, members of public) stabbed from 2018-2022
FOI/2023/0448 - Gender, transgender, non-binary guidance/ policy for staff and patients
FOI/2023/0449 - Endometriosis pathway