Page results
'Bolus: education delivered stat' is a podcast exploring the haematology speciality, created for nurses, junior doctors and allied healthcare professionals.
The Com-Cov trial in which UCLH is a site looking at alternating vaccines has been expanded to include the Moderna and Novavax vaccines.
File results
FOI/2023/0413 - Care hotels for patients used/ booked by Trust - 2022/23
FOI/2023/0414 - Operation cancelled for non-clinical reasons - 2018-2022
FOI/2023/0415 - Contact details for senior staff at Estates and Facilities
FOI/2023/0416 - Treatments for non-small cell lung cancer
FOI/2023/0422 - Renal cell treatment for carcinoma and melanoma
FOI/2023/0426 - Maternity services staffing levels
FOI/2023/0429 - Breast cancer treatment/ systemic anti-cancer therapies
FOI/2023/0430 - Number of operations performed to remove rectal foreign bodies
FOI/2023/0437 - Outsourced and insourced procedures for dermatology, endoscopy and gynaecology procedures from 2017/18-2022/23
FOI/2023/0438 - Outsourced and insourced procedures dermatology, endoscopy and gynaecological procedures