Page results
Contact details of clinical lead adults and lead paediatrics
This leaflet explains what parathyroid surgery is and gives some information about what it involves.
File results
FOI/2023/0337 - Trac systems e-recruitment software used at the Trust
FOI/2023/0342 - Self-administration of medication policies
FOI/2023/0343 - Clinical guidelines - group B Streptococcus for antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care
FOI/2023/0344 - Number of neonatal and stillbirth deaths since January 2013
FOI/2023/0345 - SACT (systemic anti-cancer therapy) treatments for endometrial cancer
FOI/2023/0352 - Data security training, data breach reporting, security budgets
FOI/2023/0353 - Junior doctors remuneration for days on strike/will be on strike
FOI/2023/0356 - Current wait time for referral to treatment with a consultant for osteoporosis
FOI/2023/0358 - Diagnosis of POTS syndrome (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (PoTS))
FOI/2023/0359 - Medicines management/ prescribing/ formulary committees at Trust