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This has been written by the acupuncture team at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine ( It gives you information about how to do home- acupuncture and how to manage any possible side effects.
Professor Godbole is a consultant parasitologist with research interests in parasitology, travel and migrant health, gastrointestinal bacteria, antimicrobial resistance in bacteria and parasites and genomics
The British Medical Association (BMA), Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association (HCSA) and British Dental Association (BDA) have announced that their junior doctor and junior dental trainee members are to take industrial action between Thursday 13 and Tuesday 18 July.
The primary objective of the ENT urgent referral clinic is to provide speedy access and effective care to all adult and paediatric patients aged above two years old with urgent ENT problems.
Our annual members' meeting (AMM) brings together members, governors and staff, and is where our governors officially receive our annual report and accounts.
The Acute Medical Unit (AMU) is a 56-bed unit located on the first floor of University College Hospital. Its primary role is to provide rapid definitive assessment, investigation and treatment for patients admitted urgently or as an emergency from the Emergency Department, and/or referred by their GP.
This patient information aims to address the questions you may have about surgical management of endometriosis.
An endoscopy is a technique used to examine of any part of the interior of the body through an optical viewing instrument. This can be through the mouth into the stomach (gastroscopy), through the anus into the large bowel (colonoscopy), or through the nose into the lungs (bronchoscopy).
This leaflet is for patients under the care of the London Complex Mesh Centre or seeking a referral to the centre.
Patient information for women who have chosen to have surgical management under general anaesthetic following a diagnosis of a miscarriage.