Page results
This information explains what alpha thalassaemia is, and provides information about the different types of alpha thalassaemia.
Patient information for women who have chosen to have surgical management under general anaesthetic following a diagnosis of a miscarriage.
Information about the autogenic training service at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
In partnership with Camden MSK, our department has agreed to provide ultrasound-guided Caudal Epidural injections to patients referred by the Camden community MSK services.
UCLH is committed to not only treat patients’ illnesses but to provide an environment and an experience which contributes to patients’ general wellbeing.
Dr Lynch is a consultant neurologist at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery. He sees patients with all types of neurological disease in his general neurology clinics, and he has a particular interest in patients with inherited disorders of white matter, also called leukodystrophies
Our vascular service has a major emphasis on endovascular (minimally invasive) treatments for vascular diseases, and this approach has largely replaced conventional open vascular surgery at UCLH.
The department offers a wide range of investigations and treatment for benign and cancerous surgical diseases, with specialisation in lower and upper GI surgery (including for weight loss).
The specialist allergy and clinical immunology service deals with the diagnosis and management of allergies and related immune system disorders in adults.
The snoring and sleep disorders clinic offers, out-patient consultation including flexible endoscopy to assess upper airway collapse. Multidisciplinary team involvement for planning treatment.
File results
FOI/2023/0174 - Integration Engine (IE) within Trust's IT estate
FOI/2023/0175 - Treatment for Myelofibrosis
FOI/2023/0180 - Treatment guidelines for chronic kidney disease/ diabetic kidney disease
FOI/2023/0182 - Data privacy compliance tools
FOI/2023/0187 - Treatment for urothelial and colorectal cancer
FOI/2023/0192 - Non emergency patient transport - NEPTS and taxi procurement
FOI/2023/0195 - Patient level costing system and integrated data platform
FOI/2023/0199 - Patients diagnosed with Cauda Equina Syndrome
FOI/2023/0201 - Gas and air suspension in maternity unit
FOI/2023/0206 - Service and maintenance contracts for digital/ smart buildings platform, fire alarms, security/ CCTV