Page results
This page has been written for women and families who use the UCLH Small Baby Clinic.
Introduction This patient information leaflet is for patients who are doing a breath test at home. Please read it carefully before you start your test. Please complete your test within the next two…
File results
FOI/2023/0122 - Usage of Pembrolizumab for the treatment of melanoma
FOI/2023/0124 - Clinical decision support in e-prescribing, Observations vital signs, Oncology e-prescribing and Diagnostic imaging systems
FOI/2023/0126 - Repayment fees for internationally recruited nurses
FOI/2023/0127 - Organisational structure for finance managers
FOI/2023/0131 - Training for first aid, life support, CPR and resuscitation/ defibrillator
FOI/2023/0132 - Renal cell carcinoma and melanoma treatment
FOI/2023/0138 - Subject Access Requests (SARs) and Freedom of Information Requests
FOI/2023/0139 - Meningitis and Encephalitis guidelines/ pathway
FOI/2023/0142 - Treatment of breast cancer
FOI/2023/0143 - Immunoassay Analysers at Trust