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Christmas is an exciting time even if it will be a bit different for us all this year. We might be spending more time inside, making us less active than usual for this time of year. However, it is still a good time to relax and enjoy some Christmas treats.
We want to make you aware that our children and young people’s teams will be available throughout the holiday period to provide advice and support when needed.
This information has been written to help you now that your radiotherapy treatment is finishing.
UCLH has begun recruiting participants to a trial looking at whether two antiviral drugs given to people who have tested positive for Covid-19 can stop the virus replicating.
An easy to read guide to having radiotherapy at UCLH
Skeletal muscle channelopathies are rare neuromuscular diseases that cause symptoms of episodic muscle weakness/paralysis or cause difficulty in relaxing muscles (the muscle can feel stuck or cramped) once they are contracted.
This page is to help prepare you and the family for your child’s radiotherapy treatment under a general anaesthetic.
All GPs are now welcome to use our national Infectious & Tropical Disease Advice and Guidance function on the e-referral system (NHS e-RS)
Our outpatient clinics will remain predominantly virtual throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to refer via the NHS e-referral service.
UCLH and The Francis Crick Institute have formed a partnership to deliver a new large-scale COVID-19 vaccination centre at the Institute.