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Your guide to referring When referring patients to UCLH hospitals please ensure the following information is included: Full practice information including full postal address, surgery…
The treatment consists of five steps:
The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is part of University College London Hospitals NHS foundation trust. GP referrals are via the NHS e-Referral Service (formerly Choose and…
This page has been written for patients who are having a course of superficial radiotherapy for a skin tumour (such as a basal cell carcinoma or squamous cell carcinoma), or some other skin condition.
This page explains what an ascitic drainage is and what you can expect during the procedure, including the benefits, risks and any alternatives.
Health and wellbeing information for people affected by cancer.
This information has been developed by the welfare and benefits team based in the Macmillan Support and Information Service. It outlines the most common benefits available.
This page explains what you can expect before, during and after your treatment in chemotherapy daycare.