Page results
This page has been written for women and families who use the UCLH Small Baby Clinic.
Introduction This patient information leaflet is for patients who are doing a breath test at home. Please read it carefully before you start your test. Please complete your test within the next two…
File results
FOI/2022/0754 - Respiratory devices
FOI/2022/0757 - Oncology services - staff/ patients
FOI/2022/0761 - NHS estates maintenance/ repairs
FOI/2022/0763 - Treatment of dermatological conditions
FOI/2022/0764 - Patients treated for drinks spiked/ spiked by needle injection
FOI/2022/0768 - Patients treated for Haemophila A
FOI/2022/0770 - Parking operations, impact, and parking charge notices issued
FOI/2022/0772 - Treatments for rare diseases
FOI/2022/0774 - Pre-pregnancy counselling clinics with consultant-led maternity units for women with medical problems
FOI/2022/0775 - Data on COVID-19 infections and related illness in staff