Page results
This page has been written for women and families who use the UCLH Small Baby Clinic.
Introduction This patient information leaflet is for patients who are doing a breath test at home. Please read it carefully before you start your test. Please complete your test within the next two…
File results
FOI/2022/0497 - Departments/ specialties that have functioning air-conditioning
FOI/2022/0502 - Asthma treatments
FOI/2022/0505 - Type of needles used for insulin administration to patients
FOI/2022/0506 - Node positive breast cancer patients undergoing Oncotype testing
FOI/2022/0514 - Infant deaths/ stillbirths and cremations
FOI/2022/0516 - Number of orthopaedic consultants at Trust
FOI/2022/0517 - Mobile phone and data contracts/ spend
FOI/2022/0519 - Melanoma treatments
FOI/2022/0523 - Special Leave Policy - magistrate duties
FOI/2022/0525 - Prehabilitation services