Page results
The sleep service at UCH is run within the department of Thoracic Medicine. We have particular expertise in the diagnosis and management of ventilatory disorders during sleep, including obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome, sleep disordered breathing and assessment of respiratory failure.
This page offers ways you can help us to prevent infection and make your babies safer.
Overall, most women (over 90%) spontaneously give birth to their baby after 37 weeks of pregnancy, called term delivery. Approximately 10%, or 1 in 10 women spontaneously give birth to their baby…
This page has been written to provide information to those women who choose to decline a blood transfusion or blood products. It is important for you to know that your decision is respected and that…
We provide routine histopathological diagnoses using both standard techniques and advanced diagnostics including immunocytochemistry, fluoresent in-situ hybridisation (FISH), and polymerase chain…
File results
FOI/2022/0523 - Special Leave Policy - magistrate duties
FOI/2022/0525 - Prehabilitation services
FOI/2022/0527 - Staff data in Communications department
FOI/2022/0528 - Interpreting and translation services (Silent Sounds tender)
FOI/2022/0530 - Neonatal sepsis guidance
FOI/2022/0531 - Operating theatres in Trust
FOI/2022/0533 - Pathology service carrying out PCR testing for SARS-CoV2
FOI/2022/0539 - Pharmacological choices made for patients undergoing joint replacement surgery
FOI/2022/0557 - Patients treated with Visudyne (verteporfin)
FOI/2022/0563 - Ambulatory cardiac monitoring