Page results
This page has been written for women and families who use the UCLH Small Baby Clinic.
COVID-19 information for patients and visitors With rates of COVID-19 on the rise again, we are providing the following information to patients and visitors. Patients Please continue to…
The UCLH Ambulatory Care (AC) service delivers a range of treatments which have historically been administered within the inpatient setting. Eligible patients receive their care in the AC area…
This page has been written by the Department of Neuroradiology at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). Our aim is to provide you with information about endovascular treatments…
“No one is invulnerable” – stark messages from patients and staff about the realities of coronavirus
The enormous pressure our staff are under was the focus of a powerful BBC News report about the surge in Covid-19 cases broadcast on Wednesday 6 January.
There are rail strikes currently planned for Wednesday 27, Saturday 31 of July.
File results
FOI/2022/0344 - Patient Administration System (PAS) used at Trust
FOI/2022/0345 - Contact details for Director of Estates and Facilities
FOI/2022/0346 - Renal cell carcinoma and melanoma treatments
FOI/2022/0347 - Annual data of service users who received IVF treatment
FOI/2022/0352 - Electronic Patient Record (EPR)
FOI/2022/0356 - Dog attacks and related injuries
FOI/2022/0358 - Infrastructure - data storage
FOI/2022/0360 - Staff contact details in charge of catering, vending and beverages
FOI/2022/0364 - Onsite incinerator
FOI/2022/0365 - Job roles at Trust with net zero in title