Page results
'Bolus: education delivered stat' is a podcast exploring the haematology speciality, created for nurses, junior doctors and allied healthcare professionals.
The Com-Cov trial in which UCLH is a site looking at alternating vaccines has been expanded to include the Moderna and Novavax vaccines.
File results
FOI/2022/0172 - Contraceptive pill data
FOI/2022/0174 - Clinical systems for bed management, diagnostic reporting, discharge letters, and integration platform systems
FOI/2022/0177 - Assessment and treatment unit for mental health and learning disabilities
FOI/2022/0186 - Gender neutral toilets at the Trust
FOI/2022/0187 - Intra-operative cell salvage procedures
FOI/2022/0189 - Drug treatments for Revolade, Nplate, Doptelet, and Tavlesse
FOI/2022/0190 - Spend on private healthcare providers for staff
FOI/2022/0192 - Drug treatment for Melanoma patients
FOI/2022/0193 - Drug treatment for breast cancer
FOI/2022/0194 - Drug treatment for lung cancer