Page results
Information on the different ways you can travel to University College London Hospitals (UCLH) if you don’t qualify for patient transport. It also includes advice on financial support that may be available to you.
This page explains more about the Prostate One-Day Clinic and what you can expect when you come for your appointment. If you have any questions about your appointment or the information included on this page, please contact one of our prostate clinical nurse specialists (CNSs).
We run dedicated follow up clinics for brain injured patients, either following discharge from hospital or the emergency department.
This leaflet explains what strong opioid patches are, and how they are used for pain relief at UCLH.
Concerned about the impact of climate change on people with neurological conditions, Professor Sanjay Sisodiya has established established a consortium of neurological specialists and will be undertaking research.
This page explains how PIFU will work for you once you have finished your treatment for lymphoma.
Information about percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar lumbar discectomy for patients with sciatica.
This page explains what FACETS is and how it can help you.
Endoscopic spinal surgery (ESS) is a type of minimally invasive spinal surgery (keyhole surgery). This page provides information about transforaminal endoscopic lumbar discectomy (PTELD).
This page explains what vaginal dilation therapy is and includes a step-by-step guide to how it should be performed. If you have any questions, please talk to your healthcare team.
File results
FOI/2022/0140 - Early neo-natal deaths and babies born with serious brain injury
FOI/2022/0141 - Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) quality standard
FOI/2022/0145 - Head and neck cancer drug treatments
FOI/2022/0147 - Oesophageal and gastric cancer drug treatments
FOI/2022/0148 - Maternity related overseas services
FOI/2022/0150 - Hepatocellular carcinoma drug treatments
FOI/2022/0151 - Omnipod patch pump
FOI/2022/0153 - Central water treatment equipment for renal dialysis
FOI/2022/0154 - Immunoglobulin treatments (for any disease)
FOI/2022/0155 - Patient hospital bedside and electronic patient notes