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Enhanced supportive care is specialist care that aims to manage and minimise pain and other symptoms caused by cancer or cancer treatment.
After referral to the Brain Tumour Service at UCLH your case will be discussed at one of our brain tumour specialist multidisciplinary team (MDT) meetings.
A joint exhibition to celebrate two photography projects capturing patient experience.
Exhibition co-curated by Healthcare Arts Collective and UCLH Arts and Heritage 25th August - 20th October 2021, UCH Street Gallery, 235 Euston Road
The UCLH Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) is a team of women and their families, commissioners and providers (midwives and doctors) working together to review and contribute to the development of local maternity care.
A quick guide to low GI breakfast ideas and recipes
To be held in person at UCLH. The Tree of Life project is run by the Diabetes team at UCLH and offers young people the opportunity to meet with others living with Type I Diabetes.
This information is for children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, and their families, on how to manage high glucose levels when using an insulin pump.
This information is for children and young people with Type 1 diabetes, and their families, on how to manage high glucose levels when using hybrid closed loop (HCL) systems.
You can use MyCare on your mobile, tablet or computer to securely view and manage information about your health and care at UCLH.