Page results
Fears that people with high blood pressure are more at risk from severe Covid-19 because it is easier for the virus to enter their cells and tissues have been laid to rest, thanks to research involving UCLH.
Patient information for Red Cell Network patients
This page tells you about having a PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) line insertion with the Interventional Radiology team.
Education and training videos for Red Cell Network patients
The Sickle Cell Society (SCS) and the UK Thalassaemia Society (UKTS) have worked in partnership with the NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening programme to engage with communities less likely to access health information through usual NHS channels. The societies provide feedback from people that share the same population background or have experience of the condition and to feed into the programme updates and improvements.
This page provides information about the Palliative care and symptom control team
The musculoskeletal (MSK) outpatient therapy service at University College Hospital provides assessment and treatment of patients for a variety of specialities including orthopaedic, rheumatology, hand therapy, women’s health, orthotic, podiatry and spinal non-operative and operative patients with musculoskeletal dysfunction.
This page tells you about having a Non-Tunnelled CVC Line Insertion (Vascath). This page is for those patients who have been referred to Interventional Radiology.
Information about the integrated rheumatology service at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
A drug commonly used to treat cystic fibrosis improved outcomes for patients with severe COVID-19 pneumonia and could be used to treat other respiratory infections, according to clinical trial results from researchers at UCLH, UCL and the Francis Crick Institute.
File results
FOI/2022/0064 - Neonatal visiting policy/ visitation rights
FOI/2022/0068 - Staff and covid vaccinations
FOI/2022/0070 - Viscosupplementation use and spend
FOI/2022/0071 - Sodium Hyaluronate eye drops
FOI/2022/0076 - Private patient third party involvement
FOI/2022/0080 - Bariatric equipment
FOI/2022/0083 - Estates and inrastructure failures
FOI/2022/0084 - CA9030 - UCLH-2609 VAT Support and Advice Services contract
FOI/2022/0091 - Pancreatic cancer
FOI/2022/0093 - Procurement of pre-printed stationery