Page results
One of our patients who is recovering from COVID-19 has been appearing across national media as she recounts her story and thanks the staff who saved her life.
UCLH is managing one of the three cancer hubs across London, so that during the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic cancer surgery is available for patients with the most immediate needs.
UCLH Find & Treat team explain why screening is vital on World Hepatitis Day
We are very excited that the Omnipod 5 has now been launched. The team have been busy over the last few months getting training and ensuring that the pump is on our procurement system.
The Sickle Cell Society (SCS) and the UK Thalassaemia Society (UKTS) have worked in partnership with the NHS sickle cell and thalassaemia (SCT) screening programme to engage with communities less likely to access health information through usual NHS channels. The societies provide feedback from people that share the same population background or have experience of the condition and to feed into the programme updates and improvements.
Information about making a donation to the Haematology Cancer Care charity fund at UCLH
This page provides information about the Palliative care and symptom control team
An immunotherapy drug given before surgery instead of chemotherapy meant that significantly more patients with a certain genetic profile were cancer free after surgery, according to clinical trial results presented by researchers at UCL and UCLH.
This page explains what you can expect after you have been referred to the Lymphoedema Service at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) for a face-to-face appointment.
A breathing aid that can help keep Covid-19 patients out of intensive care, adapted by mechanical engineers at UCL and clinicians at UCLH working with Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains (Mercedes-AMG HPP), has been approved for use in the NHS.
File results
FOI/2022/0048 - Cancer deaths in relation to Covid-19
FOI/2022/0050 - Patients on a waiting list for Tier 4 weight management services
FOI/2022/0052 - Makes/ models of plasma thawer used in Pathology/ transfusion
FOI/2022/0062 - Vehicle fleet information and governance
FOI/2022/0064 - Neonatal visiting policy/ visitation rights
FOI/2022/0068 - Staff and covid vaccinations
FOI/2022/0070 - Viscosupplementation use and spend
FOI/2022/0071 - Sodium Hyaluronate eye drops
FOI/2022/0076 - Private patient third party involvement
FOI/2022/0080 - Bariatric equipment