Page results
UCLH has opened a new vaccine research centre with two clinical trials testing a long-acting antibody combination treatment to protect against Covid-19.
This page explains what you can expect after you have been referred to the Lymphoedema Service at University College London Hospitals (UCLH) for a video or telephone appointment.
Around 1 in 250 women may experience consciousness during pregnancy-related surgery under general anaesthesia, according to a national study which sheds light on why this occurs.
All GPs are now welcome to use our national Infectious & Tropical Disease Advice and Guidance function on the e-referral system (NHS e-RS)
Our outpatient clinics will remain predominantly virtual throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to refer via the NHS e-referral service.
This page provides information about the WEB device and how it is used to treat cerebral (brain) aneurysms
UCLH has recruited the first European participant to a trial looking at treating non-hospitalised Covid-19 patients with the drug remdesivir.
The world’s first COVID-19 vaccine study researching alternating doses and intervals of approved vaccines is taking place at UCLH.
In a major study involving UCLH a third of people who took a new drug for treating obesity lost more than one-fifth of their total body weight.
A front page story and patient case study highlight SUMMIT Study early diagnosis outcomes.
File results
FOI/2022/0048 - Cancer deaths in relation to Covid-19
FOI/2022/0050 - Patients on a waiting list for Tier 4 weight management services
FOI/2022/0052 - Makes/ models of plasma thawer used in Pathology/ transfusion
FOI/2022/0062 - Vehicle fleet information and governance
FOI/2022/0064 - Neonatal visiting policy/ visitation rights
FOI/2022/0068 - Staff and covid vaccinations
FOI/2022/0070 - Viscosupplementation use and spend
FOI/2022/0071 - Sodium Hyaluronate eye drops
FOI/2022/0076 - Private patient third party involvement
FOI/2022/0080 - Bariatric equipment