Page results
Advice about available financial support and how to apply for it.
Support groups for anyone affected by cancer or a blood condition, including family, friends and carers.
A programme of wellbeing classes, workshops and courses. It includes activities which give advice and/or support to help people to manage the physical and emotional impact of cancer or a blood condition.
Who we are - a community, not just a charity The Friends of UCLH have been supporting UCLH for many years, before that supporting the individual hospitals that came together to form UCLH.…
What is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)? CBT is evidence-based therapy. It involves working with a practitioner collaboratively, to understand the problems that are keeping you stuck, and to…
About the RLHIM Pharmacy The RLHIM pharmacy is run by pharmacists who specialise in natural medicines, and it is both a hospital and a retail pharmacy. The RLHIM hospital pharmacy The…
When the Lighthouse opened in 2018, it was the first establishment of its kind in the UK, offering a safe place for children and young people who have experienced sexual abuse.
File results
FOI/2022/0047 - Waiting for non-urgent hospital treatment
FOI/2022/0048 - Cancer deaths in relation to Covid-19
FOI/2022/0050 - Patients on a waiting list for Tier 4 weight management services
FOI/2022/0052 - Makes/ models of plasma thawer used in Pathology/ transfusion
FOI/2022/0062 - Vehicle fleet information and governance
FOI/2022/0064 - Neonatal visiting policy/ visitation rights
FOI/2022/0068 - Staff and covid vaccinations
FOI/2022/0070 - Viscosupplementation use and spend
FOI/2022/0071 - Sodium Hyaluronate eye drops
FOI/2022/0076 - Private patient third party involvement