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University College Hospital's Outpatients department sees many patients, covering a variety of different specialties.
I worked as a senior directorate accountant in finance in the NHS across a wide range of directorates, both corporate and clinical areas, working closely with these directorates on their financial plans, monitoring and forward planning.
Check patients meet the criteria before advising on transport
Two clinicians with close links to UCLH and UCL have been appointed to be National Clinical Directors (NCD) by NHS England (NHSE) for 2024.
Dr Matthew Adams is a consultant radiologist with a special interest in stroke, movement disorders and neurogenetics.
UCLH Charity’s magazine, Charity Matters is out now.
Dr Tim Yates has a particular interest in the management of refractory headache disorders, particularly chronic migraine, the trigeminal autonomic cephalalgias, and facial pain syndromes.
The Hyperacute Stroke Unit (HASU) and the Transient Ischaemic Attack (TIA) services were relocated from the seventh floor of University College Hospital to The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) on 20 March 2020 as part of UCLH’s response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
A team at UCLH, UCL and Mercedes-AMG High Performance Powertrains which developed a Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP) breathing aid now used in hospitals across the UK have received an award from the Royal Academy of Engineering for exceptional services during a pandemic.
UCLH consultant Dr Arjuna Nagendran featured in the Royal Institution’s prestigious series on Boxing Day; this year presented by Professor Mike Woolridge on artificial intelligence (AI).
File results
FOI/2022/0007 - Priory Group services at the Trust
FOI/2022/0008 - Functional electrical stimulation devices
FOI/2022/0012 - Paediatric antibiotic guideline
FOI/2022/0014 - Water treatment equipment in sterile services department
FOI/2022/0042 - Thermometers used at Trust
FOI/2022/0023 - Assault attendances to ED
FOI/2022/0026 - Patients referred for puberty blockers/ services related to gender identity
FOI/2022/0029 - Treatment and charges for overseas visitors and migrants
FOI/2022/0032 - Patient record and patient administration systems
FOI/2022/0038 - Patient and staff insight and feedback programmes