Page results
Patient information written for patients undergoing a skin snips biopsy.
RAID (Rapid Access Infectious Diseases) clinic is an outpatient service located at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (address and directions overleaf).
This patient information has been written for patients who are being given post exposure prophylaxis.
This page has been written for patients who are having radiotherapy for bone pain.
We are making it easier and safer for patients to be seen in an Emergency Department (ED) or Accident and Emergency (A&E) department without waiting for long periods of time.
Our pain clinics are patient-centred and evidence-based, encouraging patients to self-manage their persistent facial pain.
Our non-emergency patient transport service is provided by G4S. G4S may use approved external sub-contractors to meet the demand of the service and/or the specific needs of our patients.
Info about our regular, online origami club for people under the care of UCLH for cancer or a blood condition
This information page has been written to help answer some of the questions you may have about brain metastases, and their treatment with this specialised radiotherapy technique.
This information is for patients who have fibroids. It contains information about what fibroids are, how they can affect you and what treatments are available.
File results
FOI/2021/0633 - Staff abused by patients
FOI/2021/0634 - International nurse recruitment
FOI/2021/2021 - Number of deaths registered for measles
FOI/2021/0643 - Bank and agency staffing vacancy rates and spending
FOI/2021/0644 - Clinical guidelines on identification and management of maternity issues
FOI/2021/0645 - Software suppliers for various applications
FOI/2021/0649 - Physiotherapists/ occupational therapists staffing levels
FOI/2021/0650 - Cyber Essentials Accreditation/ Certification
FOI/2021/0657 - Patient list for Neuropsychiatry
FOI/2021/0653 - Patient Quality Safety Committee in July 2021