Page results
We provide a specialist spinal surgery service including treatment of degenerative spinal conditions, artificial discs, spinal injury, spinal tumours (intra and extra dural, including metastatic disease), scoliosis and syringomyelia.
The tissue viability team is committed to providing support, training and education to clinical staff, patients and carers about maintaining, promoting skin integrity and preventing pressure sores.
The Oesophageal and stomach surgery service works very closely with the specialist Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) service, gastroenterology, nutrition, oncology and radiology departments at UCLH. It comprises UCLH-based and Barts Health-based surgeons.
Clinical Biochemistry HSL at 60 Whitfield Street has a fully automated laboratory offering a range of routine biochemical tests to UCLH and local GPs.
A safeguarding clinic dedicated to the long term needs of children and young people who have problems related to Sexual, gynaecological or genito-urinary health, Complex maltreatment including sexual abuse, female genital mutilation, factitious illness and related issues. We also see unaccompanied children, refugees and looked after children.
At University College Hospital education is provided for inpatients of school age on the paediatric floor (T11) and the adolescent floor (T12).
Information about incentive spirometry (IS) for adults with sickle cell disorder.
Support patients in hospital this Christmas and the staff looking after them by donating to our UCLH Charity Gift of Giving Appeal.
Dr Nagendran is a consultant neurophysiologist eripheral nerve and muscle disease, skeletal muscle channelopathies, nerve excitability disorders
Mr Seni Subair specialises in pregnancy and labour care, medical disorders (including perinatal mental health) in pregnancy,
File results
FOI/2021/0601 - Treatment Guidelines with Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) / Lupus nephritis (LN)
FOI/2021/0604 - Pressure area care mattresses
FOI/2021/0605 - Incidence and treatment of different types of cancer
FOI/2021/0608 - Patients treated for breast cancer
FOI/2021/0609 - Maternity services
FOI/2021/0614 - Chemotherapy units staffing treating adults with cancer
FOI/2021/0618 - Number of patient admissions to A&E
FOI/2021/0626 - Cardiac output monitors and manufacturer associated disposable products
FOI/2021/0624 - Psychatric support discharge delays
FOI/2021/0651 - IT Pathology system