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The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine was founded as the London Homoeopathic Hospital by Dr Frederick Foster Hervey Quin in 1849. He was among the first doctors to practice homeopathy…
Jo Moss has been appointed as director of strategy. Jo is currently chief strategy and transformation officer for North East London Integrated Care Board. Before this she was director of…
The Grafton Way Building, officially opened by His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales earlier this year (2022), contains more than 100 pieces of art across its nine clinical floors. Commissioned…
We are occasionally able to show people around our hospitals but, as with requests for filming and photography, we cannot always accommodate requests. Groups cannot be larger than 12 people…
In late 2008 Judy began experiencing debilitating pain in her jaw and persistent insomnia (inability to sleep). At first there were no visible lumps or obvious signs to the cause of her pain. Over…
Stuart readily admits that he hadn’t gone to the dentist enough throughout his life and, like a lot of people, experienced normal dental problems. When his gums became sore in the summer…
Laryngeal cancer is a type of cancer that affects the larynx (voice box). The larynx is part of the throat found at the entrance of the windpipe (trachea). It plays an important role in helping you…