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If you are receiving treatment for cancer, you are entitled to free prescriptions. You will need an exemption certificate.
This page has been written by the team at the Sir William Gowers Unit or Gowers as it widely known. It aims to prepare you for your admission. It will tell you what we do, what to bring and what to expect during your stay with us.
This information explains robotic-assisted surgery for pelvic organ prolapse. Keyhole surgery using robotic assistance is used to lift up the pelvic organs.
This page has been written by Dr Eriksson and Prof Walker with the input from colleagues in the UCLH insomnia team to provide patients, their family or carers with information about sleep hygiene.
Skeletal muscle channelopathies are rare neuromuscular diseases that cause symptoms of episodic muscle weakness/paralysis or cause difficulty in relaxing muscles (the muscle can feel stuck or cramped) once they are contracted.
We welcome your feedback about your experience of NHNN and NCC. Your comments will be used to monitor and improve the service we provide.
Spasticity service information for patients (and their family or carers) who have been referred to the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Clinical Biochemistry HSL at 60 Whitfield Street has a fully automated laboratory offering a range of routine biochemical tests to UCLH and local GPs.
The department of medical physics and biomedical engineering provides expert physical science support to activities both within UCLH and to a wide range of external partners.
This page is for those who have been referred for radiotherapy to the abdomen.