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The video-assisted stroke triage project, developed by the UCLH stroke service in partnership London Ambulance Service (LAS) has won the HSJ Patient Safety Award for Clinical Governance & Risk Management in Patient Safety.
UCH Chemotherapy Daycare and the Macmillan Support and Information Service are shortlisted for a Patient Experience Network National Award for the use of data from the Cancer Patient Experience Survey to improve patient experience.
The spasticity team at The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) has produced a series of short animated videos. The films were funded by The National Brain Appeal, the charity dedicated to supporting NHNN.
The musculoskeletal (MSK) outpatient therapy service at University College Hospital provides assessment and treatment of patients for a variety of specialities including orthopaedic, rheumatology, hand therapy, women’s health, orthotic, podiatry and spinal non-operative and operative patients with musculoskeletal dysfunction.
UCLH Charity is delighted to announce that the Dangoor Family’s Exilarch’s Foundation has pledged a £1.2m gift to support the next phase of the development of the CAR T programme at University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (UCLH). The CAR T Speed Release Project aims to reduce the time between extracting patient’s stem cells and injecting re-engineered CAR T cells back into patients with cancer to fight cancer cells.
UCLH has continued to achieve excellent results in the National Inpatient Survey, with patients rating their overall care as 8.7 out of 10 – the top score amongst our London peers.
You now need a registered site administrator to access EpicCare Link UCLH for your practice or service. If your site doesn’t have a registered administrator, you may lose access to EpicCare Link UCLH.
Information about the integrated rheumatology service at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine.
UCLH has opened a new vaccine research centre with two clinical trials testing a long-acting antibody combination treatment to protect against Covid-19.
Fears that people with high blood pressure are more at risk from severe Covid-19 because it is easier for the virus to enter their cells and tissues have been laid to rest, thanks to research involving UCLH.