Page results
This page provides general information about care of wounds following spinal surgery.
A safeguarding clinic dedicated to the long term needs of children and young people who have problems related to Sexual, gynaecological or genito-urinary health, Complex maltreatment including sexual abuse, female genital mutilation, factitious illness and related issues. We also see unaccompanied children, refugees and looked after children.
Our Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) department can treat up to 650 NHS patients per year from across the south of the UK when we are at full capacity. We provide treatment for a wide range of child and teenage cancers and complex adult cancers.
Dr Nagendran is a consultant neurophysiologist eripheral nerve and muscle disease, skeletal muscle channelopathies, nerve excitability disorders
This page provides information about the support you can have with some of your concerns while living with myeloma.
The tissue viability team is committed to providing support, training and education to clinical staff, patients and carers about maintaining, promoting skin integrity and preventing pressure sores.
Our non-emergency patient transport service is provided by G4S. G4S may use approved external sub-contractors to meet the demand of the service and/or the specific needs of our patients.
This page provides information for employers, teachers, special needs education coordinators (SENCo) and other professionals who work alongside someone with Galactosaemia.
Our pain clinics are patient-centred and evidence-based, encouraging patients to self-manage their persistent facial pain.
The Oesophageal and stomach surgery service works very closely with the specialist Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) service, gastroenterology, nutrition, oncology and radiology departments at UCLH. It comprises UCLH-based and Barts Health-based surgeons.
File results
FOI/2021/0537 - Clinical waste information
FOI/2021/0538 - Treatment for triple-negative breast cancer
FOI/2021/0544 - Deaths for vaccinated and unvaccinated Covid-19 patients
FOI/2021/0547 - Stranded patients 13 days or more
FOI/2021/0550 - IT organisation chart and banding
FOI/2021/0551 - Analysing the treatment of neurology patients
FOI/2021/0553 - Clinical research organisations performing clinical trials
FOI/2021/0555 - Accessible Information Standard
FOI/2021/0557 - Agenda for Change pay bands for qualified estates staff
FOI/2021/0559 - Department of Respiratory Physiology recall letter