Page results
The department undertakes specialist dental treatment for those under 16 years of age ( 15 years and 11 months), and deals with the aetiology, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of oral disorders; mouth conditions and teeth of children.
The fertility laboratory provides three main services. Semen analysis to test fertility, storage of semen samples and processing of semen samples for IUI treatments.
Irreversible Electroporation for Prostate Cancer (IRE or Nanoknife™) patient information page.
Perinatal Mental Health Service in Partnership with North London Partners Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Service
The UCLH children’s FGC/M clinic provides specialist care for children and adolescents who have undergone or are at risk of FGC/M.
Antenatal care and screening is an essential part of maternity care for all women. We provide state-of-the-art ultrasound screening, specialist obstetric and midwifery clinics.
This service is unique in the UK, offering an adolescent rheumatology service that provides diagnostic and therapeutic advice to patients with any rheumatic diseases that occur in adolescence.
A team of clinician scientists at UCLH have identified the factors which predict full hearing recovery, with the strongest predictor being treatment with steroids within seven days of a sudden drop in hearing.
The children's FGM service is a dedicated monthly multidisciplinary clinic for girls under 18 years old who have had, are suspected to have had, or who may be at risk of having, FGM.
Patient information leaflet for Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Clinic
File results
FOI/2021/0521 - Policies and approach on the NHS Accessible Information Standard (AIS)
FOI/2021/0524 - Maternal death cases (2005 - 2015)
FOI/2021/0529 - Radiology department e-mail system for patients to reschedule appointments
FOI/2021/0531 - Neonatal care unit complaints over limited access due to Covid-19 restrictions
FOI/2021/0536 - PAT Testing
FOI/2021/0537 - Clinical waste information
FOI/2021/0538 - Treatment for triple-negative breast cancer
FOI/2021/0544 - Deaths for vaccinated and unvaccinated Covid-19 patients
FOI/2021/0547 - Stranded patients 13 days or more
FOI/2021/0550 - IT organisation chart and banding