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How we use your information at UCLH: what you need to know
The spring/summer edition of Charity Matters is out now.
At UCLH, we are extremely proud of our staff and their dedication to delivering the best care for our patients. If you have been treated or looked after by an exceptional member of staff, or a volunteer, we would love you to tell us about it.
Researchers at the NIHR UCLH Clinical Research Facility are the first in the world to start a new first-in-human trial investigating a novel treatment, called NVG-111, in patients with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) subtypes.
This leaflet explains the Catheter Directed Thrombolysis (CDT) procedure at UCLH.
As part of Our National Health Stories, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust commissioned five poets to write and share stories from the NHS.
Improvements to patient care underpinned the UCLH presentations at the weekend’s European Association of Urology conference in Paris
The court has granted permission to appeal a High Court ruling relating to puberty-blocking treatment in cases of gender dysphoria.
Winning the award - Sarcoma Healthcare Professionals Innovation and Excellence – CNS London Sarcoma Service, The National Sarcoma Educational Programme. Jo and Anne had the vision of sharing a regular in-house education session to bring sarcoma nurses and doctors together. These monthly sessions have seen a broad range of speakers and experts in the sarcoma field from other sarcoma units, charities and researchers sharing their knowledge.
It is important to make sure you are eating and drinking well before your surgery. Good nutrition will also help you recover after your surgery.
File results
FOI/2021/0440 - Windows 7 and XP in operation
FOI/2021/0441 - Unvacinated Covid inpatients
FOI/2021/0442 - Cataract surgery
FOI/2021/0445 - Fibreoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing
FOI/2021/0447 - IT solutions used at the Trust
FOI/2021/0449 - Treatment of spasticity
FOI/2021/0451 - Vaccinated/ unvaccinated patients
FOI/2021/0453 - Private security company providing security officers
FOI/2021/0457 - International staff
FOI/2021/0458 - Breathing filters used in mechanical ventilators for (COVID-19) patients