Page results
This page is for patients who are receiving radiotherapy to the bladder. It explains what the treatment involves, describes side-effects you may experience during and after treatment, and how best to cope with them.
In partnership with Camden MSK, our department has agreed to provide ultrasound-guided joint and soft tissue injections to patients referred by the Camden community MSK services.
This clinic is for asymptomatic travellers (individuals with no current symptoms) who have travelled to a tropical destination and are worried about certain infections.
Preparations for the festive season are in full swing in the UCLH Charity fundraising team.
This patient information offers advice for patients suffering from long COVID regarding a healthy diet and nutrition.
Patient information for patients who are having a bone marrow biopsy.
Autogenic Training (AT) is a technique offered by the Psychological Therapy Services Team at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, which receives referrals for chronic physical health problems.
This patient information will describe what having a transverse vaginal septum means, how it can affect you, and what are the treatment options.
The department of neuro-otology provides a specialist national service for the diagnosis, investigation, management and rehabilitation of complex, auditory, vestibular and voice disorders, including skull base surgery.
This patient information will describe what having a transverse vaginal septum means, how it can affect you, and what are the treatment options.
File results
FOI/2021/0451 - Vaccinated/ unvaccinated patients
FOI/2021/0453 - Private security company providing security officers
FOI/2021/0457 - International staff
FOI/2021/0458 - Breathing filters used in mechanical ventilators for (COVID-19) patients
FOI/2021/0463 - Staff accommodation
FOI/2021/0466 - Patient wait of more than 52 weeks for elective treatment
FOI/2021/0467 - Celebration of Pride in 2020 and 2021
FOI/2021/0468 - Patient data management system
FOI/2021/0475 - Covid-19 deaths
FOI/2021/0485 - Patient transport policy