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A team at UCLH and UCL have developed new methods to predict outcomes for pregnancies where there are issues with poor growth of the baby inside the womb.
We have been informed that there has been an increasing number of fractures in the battery securing parts of this pump. During the insulin pump use, if the device is dropped or excessive force is applied, some of the device's battery securing parts may break.
Until this point, if a largely over estimated total daily dose was entered by the user incorrectly, there is a risk of over delivery of insulin during Auto mode. This risk is the highest on the first day and reduces gradually over subsequent days.
UCLH is reminding staff that gloves are not always required, by reducing the instances where non-sterile plastic gloves are used when treating non-infectious patients. The focus is now on how clean hands are just as effective a barrier against infection.
Our clinical neurophysiology department performs tests which record information from the brain or the nervous system. There are two main tests performed in our outpatient department, Electroencephalogram (EEG) and Nerve conduction studies (NCS).
Dr Nagendran is a consultant neurophysiologist eripheral nerve and muscle disease, skeletal muscle channelopathies, nerve excitability disorders
Critical care incorporates general adult intensive care, high-dependency, the Post-Anaesthetic Care Unit (PACU), critical care outreach and the Critical Care Follow-up Clinic.
Providing expert care for tropical and infectious diseases. Our specialist team provides comprehensive diagnosis, treatment, and travel health services, including an emergency walk-in service for travellers returning from travel.
Get expert pre-travel advice and vaccinations at The Hospital for Tropical Diseases Travel Clinic. Our specialists provide comprehensive care for travellers with complex medical conditions.
The Oesophageal and stomach surgery service works very closely with the specialist Upper Gastrointestinal (GI) service, gastroenterology, nutrition, oncology and radiology departments at UCLH. It comprises UCLH-based and Barts Health-based surgeons.
File results
FOI/2021/0377 - Stonewall diversity applications
FOI/2021/0381 - International nursing agency spend
FOI/2021/0388 - Digital dictation/ Voice recognition system
FOI/2021/0409 - Service Manager for Paediatric Audiology department
FOI/2021/0413 - Service providers for patient, transport and private ambulance
FOI/2021/0414 - Cyber attacks
FOI/2021/0416 - Catering electronic meal ordering system
FOI/2021/0417 - A&E attendance for carbon monoxide poisoning
FOI/2021/0419 - Sexual orientation workforce
FOI/2021/0426 - CAMHS treatment